Dark Lip Naturalization | Canada Makeup | lipblushing high quality | Canada Makeup | NOOSHIN JAVAHERIAN

Lip Blushing

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Starts at $450

3 Hour Service

Minimal Pain

Why Lip Blush ?

Tired of spending too much time lining and coloring your lips everyday only to end up with mediocre results ? All this work but still feeling insecure because you’re worried your lipstick got on your teeth or got smudged on your drink ?  

If saving time and feeling confident is extremely important to you then you’ll understand why getting Lip Blush done at Noosh Studio can be a life changing moment – it can put an end to this vicious cycle and liberate you from the chains of imperfect lips!

Why Noosh Studio Lip Blush?

creating a natural look is part of our DNA and with lips being such a prominent feature of our face, a natural looking results is an absolute must! Our Master Artists use our innovative natural lip blush technique with our unique approach to Lip Blushing by customizing it to your look and lifestyle. We take pride in making sure that any enhancement to your lips from color, shape, and symmetry are done with the understanding of who you are and how you live your life.

Our Master Artists can create a variety of Lip Blush styles: from soft and natural color that resemble a lip tint to a complete lipstick effect. There is also the option that you may just desire a correction for asymmetry or receded lips.

Since there are different styles and purposes to Lip Blush, you do not want to hand over your lips to anyone but the best. We believe our Master Artists expertise combined with world class artistry along with our studio reputation should put you at ease that your lips are with one the best in the industry. 

How long does it take to heal? What is the recovery time?

Brows will take about 4- 6 weeks until they reach their final look. But it only takes 2 weeks for scabbing process to complete. After 2 weeks you can return to normal routine and activities.

We recommend yearly touch ups to keep the color fresh. It varies from client to client, but it can be 9 months to 2 years, depending on the client’s skin type and life style.

Clients with normal skin are perfect candidates for microblading, not too oily or sensitive. Our Master Artist will sometimes suggest Combo Brows for client’s with moderately oily skin and are oily skin clients are better suited for Powder Brows. Our Online Appointment Process will assess your eyebrows and skin by asking you a few questions and based on your answers it will recommend a certain technique (Microblading, Powder brows, or Combo brows) and artist best suited for you.

Anyone with oily skin. Oily skin will cause the hairstrokes to become thicker over time. The oil in the skin causes the pigment underneath the skin to disperse. If you suspect you have oily skin, we offer a consultation over email.

Just send us a photo of your skin without makeup at its normal level of oily-ness and one of our Master Artists will evaluate your skin and make their best recommendation. You can upload a photo on our contact page. Clients with oily skin are better suited for Powder Brows.

DO NOT get any form of injections and lip fillers 

DO NOT get a Botox treatment.
DO NOT use Retinols/Retin-A or other anti-aging/acne creams around lips
DO NOT tan or have a sunburned
DO keep lips exfoliated and moist, avoid them getting dry and cracked for optimal results

DO NOT take aspirin, ibuprofen, niacin, vitamin E, fish oil (omega-3) or CoQ10


DO take anti viral medication if prone to cold sore/herpes 

DO NOT drink alcohol or caffeine



Taking care of your new brows after treatment is extremely important to how your eyebrows will look after they are fully healed and the longevity of your eyebrows.

Our Master Artists created a masterpiece fused with your own natural beauty, as they were trained to do, but taking care of it afterwards is your responsibility so we highly recommend to follow these aftercare instructions methodically:

Immediately following the procedure, lips will feel dry, chapped, tight and tender to the touch. They may appear swollen and bright in color as well


For 4 hours after treatment, apply light pressure on lips with a clean paper towel, to remove any lymph. After 4 hours start applying ointment as needed to keep lips constantly moist


No kissing, rubbing or friction on treatment area

Apply ointment on lips several times a day, keep lips moist at all times. Avoid oily, spicy and heavy seasoned food and drink with a straw. After every meal gently rinse and clean lips with water then pat dry and re-apply ointment.

At this stage lips will start peeling and be completely done peeling, color will lighten by 30%-50%. Do not pick or rub your lips and let the peeling happen naturally. Continue keeping lips moist!

Lips are done peeling, color is light.  Client may return to normal routines. Lips will continue to heal, up to 6 weeks. Every week more color will surface, it is important to continue keeping lip moist to get the best color at the end of healing phase.

Brows will appear very light, after scabs comes off, every week up to 6 weeks color will continue to surface and brows will get darker again

Your lips are healed and you’re feeling unstoppable!!! Just add some lip gloss and go! In most cases it requires two treatments to complete the lip transformation.

Maintaining your lip blush

Lip blush takes two appointments to complete and for that reason your 6-8 weeks touchup appointment is complementary. After the complementary appointment we recommend a touchup between 2-3 years to maintain the the look of your lip blush. However, we do offer different touchup schedules because everyone experience the fading process differently and may need to get a touchup sooner than recommended.

* All touchup prices are determined by calculating the time since your last paid appointment (which included any paid touchup appointment)
